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collective effort是什么意思
发布时间:2020-12-09 作者: 英语查
collective effort 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | 集体的力量,协力。
| | | collective: adj. 集合的;聚合性的;共同的,集体的,集团的。 c ... | | effort: n. 1.努力,尝试,尽力。 2.成就,努力的成果;杰作 ... | |
例句与用法 | 1. | As a result of collective effort , the difficult situation changed into a favourable one . 经过大家的努力,局面终于由困难转变为顺利了。
| | 2. | It is the collective effort of all hong kong people 而是有赖香港人的努力
| | 3. | Log4j is the result of a collective effort Log4j是集体努力的结果。
| | 4. | The invention was a collective effort 那项发明是集体努力的成果。
| | 5. | Collective effort and cooperation are extremely important in winning a ball game 要赢得球赛,集体力量与配合是极其重要的
| | 6. | With the collective efforts of the relevant departments , these improvement measures have been fully implemented 这些改进措施在各有关部门的努力下,已经一一落实。
| | 7. | " the success of the e - government programme requires the collective effort of all government bureaux and departments 政府所有决策局和部门需要同心协力,才能成功发展电子政府。
| | 8. | They forged a sense of commonality in their collective effort to eke out a living and to mould a feeling of community and identity 但是,他们有一个共同的认识努力求存和建立社区精神及认同感。
| | 9. | They forged a sense of commonality in their collective effort to eke out a living and to mould a feeling of community and identity 但是,他们有一个共同的认识? ?努力求存和建立社区精神及认同感。
| | 10. | That solution requires the collective efforts of individual owners , the community , the industry and the government 我们相信要解决楼宇失修问题,业主整体社会业界及政府的共同努力和参与都非常重要。
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